NEW - Childminder Policy Pack

NEW - Childminder Policy Pack SAVE
NEW - Childminder Policy Pack SAVE
NEW - Childminder Policy Pack SAVE
NEW - Childminder Policy Pack SAVE
NEW - Childminder Policy Pack SAVE

CR Hut

£19.99 £29.99

Introducing the NEW Childminder Policy Pack! 

Make your childcare business stress-free with this phenomenal bundle of 64 editable policies and 10 stunning cover designs.

Customise and use with any curriculum for universal adaptability, and ensure Health and Social Care Standards (Scotland), Early Years Foundation Stage (England), and National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare (Wales) are easily met.


- EASY to follow

- SIMPLE to edit

Get all this for an unbelievable value with immediate download - GET YOURS TODAY!


Policies included:

Comprehensive list of ALL policies available (and included on the LAUNCH BUNDLE)
  • Accident & Injury Policy
  • Admissions and Settling
  • Adverse Weather Policy
  • Allegation of Abuse Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Behaviour Management Policy
  • Care Learning and Play Policy
  • Children's Illness and Infection
  • Complaints and Grievances Policy
  • Confidentiality and Data Protection
  • Continual Professional Development Policy
  • Daily Routine and Activities Policy
  • Dental Hygiene Policy
  • Dropping Off and Collection Policy
  • Drugs and Adult Medication Policy
  • Emergency and Alternative Care Policy
  • Emergency Evacuation Procedure
  • Environment and Sustainability Policy
  • Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy
  • Fees Policy
  • FGM (Female genital mutilation)
  • Food Safety Policy
  • Funded Hours Policy
  • Head Lice Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Illness Policy
  • Independent Arrival and Departure and Travel Policy
  • Infection Control and Hygiene Policy
  • Internet Safety Policy
  • Loss and Damage to Personal Property Policy
  • Lost Child Policy
  • Manual Handling Policy
  • Maternity Policy
  • Medication Policy
  • Mobile Phone, Camera and Photographs Policy
  • Multiple Contact Policy
  • Nappy and Toilet Training Policy
  • Non-Collection of Children Policy
  • Non-Mobile Child Policy
  • Nutrition/Healthy Eating Policy
  • Outdoor Play Policy
  • Outings Policy
  • Overnight Care Policy
  • Partnership with Parents Policy
  • Pet Policy
  • Physical Contact Policy
  • Privacy Notice
  • Promoting British Values Policy
  • Retention Policy
  • Risk Assessment Policy
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • Safety on Outings Policy
  • Service Evaluation Policy
  • Sleep Policy
  • Smoking and Vaping Policy
  • Social Media Policy
  • Special and Additional Support Needs (SEND) Policy
  • Staff Behaviour Policy
  • Sun Protection Policy
  • Television and Games Consoles Policy
  • Terrorist Attack / National Emergency Policy
  • Trampoline Policy
  • Transport Policy
  • Visitors Policy
  • Whistle-Blowing / Raising Concerns Policy



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